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Uncle Tom vs Uncle Tom Cobley

Uncle Tom—(U.S.) a Black man who defers to white people and regarded as betraying his social loyalty:

  • I know exactly what you think of me. Also, I know all the words, most of them stupid—white nigger, Uncle Tom—as well as you.

Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase Aunt Tom(sl.) a woman who does not agree with or support the Feminist movement:

  • In a debate between Wolfgang and Friedan, things rapidly devolved into mutual name calling with each accusing the other of being an “Aunt Tom.”

Uncle Tom Cobley —(also: Uncle Tom Cobley and all) a whole lot of other people (used at the end of a long list of names):

  • We are exhorted to pant along behind the industrious Germans, Japanese, Russians, Americans and Uncle Tom Cobley.