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Watch the clock vs Watch the time

watch the clock

1. keep one’s eye on the clock to avoid being late, etc.:

  • They work under the beady eye of their crew chief, who monitors their progress and constantly watches the clock, counting the minutes.

2. (also: clock-watch) keep one’s eye on the clock waiting for the end of one’s work day (used showing disapproval):

  • The man who watches the clock and is afraid he will do too much will never get very far in the milling business.

Cf.: clock-watcher—(derog.) a man who takes care not to exceed his minimum working hours; smb. who quits at once when it is time:

  • I don’t want to be a clock-watcher, and appreciate that my working conditions are better than most people’s.

watch the time

1. = watch the clock 1:

  • Trying to read a book, she watched the time tick round until it was a reasonable time to get undressed and try to sleep.

2. wait for the right moment or opportunity:

  • This is the chance to live in dreams and to watch the time for dreams to become your own realities.