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Strategy vs Tactics vs Logistics

Strategy, tacticslogistics as used in relation to warfare are not always clearly distinguished.

Strategy is the art or science involved in the direction of the forces at his disposal by the commander in chief of a belligerent nation or by those assisting him. The term usually implies the planning of major operations intended to gain the objectives of the war, and often, but not necessarily, connotes the effective presence of these officers at home or behind the lines.

Tactics is the art or science of handling forces in the field or in action; the term implies not only the presence of the enemy as affecting the disposition or maneuvering of troops, ships, planes, and matériels but the direction of a commanding officer upon the scene.

Logistics is the art or science of military supply and transportation; the term usually implies both planning and implementation and covers such varied matters as design and development, acquisition, stockpiling, shipping and distribution, up-keep, and ultimate evacuation and disposition of matériel; acquisition, preparation, assignment, distribution, and physical care of personnel; preparation, operation, up-keep, and disposal of facilities; and provision of services. Broadly logistics constitutes the theory and practice of military housekeeping.

The same differences in meaning are also found in strategic, tactical , and logistic ( or logistical) as referred to the conduct of a war.