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Predilection vs Partiality vs Prepossession vs Prejudice vs Bias

Predilection, partialityprepossessionprejudicebias are comparable when they mean an attitude of mind which predisposes one to make a certain choice or judgment or to take a certain view without full consideration or reflection.

Predilection implies a strong liking that results from one’s temperament, one’s principles, or one’s previous experience and that predisposes one to prefer certain kinds of things (as friends, books, foods, or methods) or to accept a thing without reference to any other test.

Partiality implies a disposition to favor a particular person or thing because of some predilection or, more often, because of undue fondness or partisanship; it may connote unfairness.

Prepossession implies a fixed idea or conception in the light of which a new person, new idea, or new experience is judged.

Prejudice applies to a judgment made before evidence is available and typically to an unfavorable preconception marked by suspicion and antipathy.

Bias implies a lack of balance or distortion in one’s judgment owing to the pull in a predictable or consistent direction of a predilection or a prepossession or of partiality or prejudice and a resulting inclination in favor of or against a person or thing.