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Many vs Several vs Sundry vs Various vs Divers vs Numerous vs Multifarious

Many, severalsundryvariousdiversnumerousmultifarious mean consisting of a large number or comprising a large group.

Many implies a likeness between the individuals or units in class, category, kind, or sort; except that it vaguely implies more than a few, the term gives no explicit suggestion as to how large the number is.

Several (see also DISTINCT 1 ) is almost as vague as many in its implication of number. In law the term is construed as meaning more than one; thus, the several counts of an indictment may be two or more counts. In more general use it is usually construed as meaning at least three.

Sometimes the term means both more than a few and different each from the other; in such use, several is often preceded by a possessive adjective.

Sundry also implies an indefinite number, but it carries regularly a stronger implication of the difference of each from the others than does several; thus, there are several, rather than sundry, eggs left; there are sundry, more explicit than several, aspects of the problem that have not been considered.

Various (see also DIFFERENT ) is often used to mean an indefinite number, with a more or less attenuated implication of difference in identity of each from each.

Divers (compare diverse under DIFFERENT ) also has come to imply a vague number, often meaning little more than many or several, but often retaining some of its originally strong implication of difference among the individuals.

Numerous may qualify plural nouns or singular nouns that designate a collection or assembly of units or individuals. In each case the term implies the existence of a noticeably large number of units or individuals; sometimes, in fact, it connotes a crowding or thronging.

Multifarious adds to the implications of many that of great diversity and often incongruity in the units, individuals, or elements involved.