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Look vs Sight vs View vs Glance vs Glimpse vs Peep vs Peek

Looksightviewglanceglimpsepeeppeek are comparable when meaning both the act of seeing something and the thing that is seen.

Look implies the directing of one’s eyes to a thing or the use of one’s power of vision. When applied to the thing seen (see also APPEARANCE ), the impression produced tends to be stressed.

Sight, on the other hand, so strongly implies reference to the object that is seen that it suggests reception of an image by the visual powers or presentation to the sense of sight rather than a conscious use of that sense. When the term denotes the act or the power of seeing, one takes a look at something which catches his sight ; one has far sight who sees things at a great distance.

When the term denotes the thing that is seen, qualifying words or phrases are usually necessary to suggest its character, appearance, or the effect it produces.

View, especially when it denotes the act of seeing, implies chiefly the exercise of the mental rather than the physical vision or an attempt to comprehend something beyond the range of the physical vision.

Often, when seeing through the eyes is suggested, view takes the place of sight in either sense, with, however, a stronger implication of a directed or fixed gaze.

Glance may denote something which is seen as a sudden flash or gleam, or the presence or movement of which is recognized by a swift sudden flash.

It is in this sense that “a glance from the eye” is often to be interpreted, especially in older writings, but the transition in sense from the flash that is seen to the quick look that is given is not clearly marked.

Glimpse also may apply to something seen as a flash or a gleam, but more commonly implies a brief view of a thing or, even more often, as much of it as may be taken in at a glance.

Peep and peek are not clearly distinguishable in meaning, but the former is generally regarded as more dignified or less childish. When they denote the act of looking, both terms imply an attempt to see what is hidden or concealed, or what can be only furtively watched (as through a hole or a crevice or through half-shut eyes).

When, however, they denote something which is seen by peeping or peeking, peep seems to be the favored word.