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Foretell vs Predict vs Forecast vs Prophesy vs Prognosticate vs Augur vs Presage vs Portend vs Forebode

Foretell, predictforecastprophesyprognosticateaugurpresageportendforebode are comparable when meaning to tell something before it happens through special knowledge or occult power.

Foretell and predict are frequently interchangeable, but foretell stresses the announcement of coming events and does not, apart from a context, indicate the nature of the agent’s power or the source of his information.

Predict commonly implies inference from facts or accepted laws of nature; it often connotes scientific accuracy in foretelling.

Forecast may occasionally imply taking forethought of the future (as by anticipation, conjecture of possible eventualities, and provision for one’s needs).

More often it implies prediction, but it still retains the implication of anticipated eventualities.

Prophesy either connotes inspired or mystic knowledge or implies great assurance in prediction.

Prognosticate implies prediction based upon signs or symptoms.

Prognosticate and the following words also are comparable in the related sense of to betoken or foreshow future events or conditions.

Augur implies a divining or a foreshadowing of something pleasant or unpleasant often through interpretation of omens or signs.

Presage and portend more often imply foreshowing than foretelling, though both senses are found. Both also typically suggest occult power or an ability to interpret signs and omens as a basis for prediction, but presage may be used of neutral or of favorable as well as unfavorable prognostications, whereas portend regularly suggests a threat of evil or disaster.

Forebode implies unfavorable prognostication based especially upon premonitions, presentiments, or dreams <oppressed by a foreboding of evil>