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Difference between Great world and Greater world

great world, the

1. aristocratic society:

  • Thackeray says he is getting tired of being witty, and of the great world.

2. the outside world not limited to one’s inner circle:

  • The novelist proper studies to represent his little world as the great world is; whereas the romance-writer builds an ideal world.

3. the universe as a whole:

  • These values exist within yourself as they exist in the great world, and you are a microcosmic model of the entire macrocosm.

Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase wide world, the

1. the whole world:

  • Of all people in the wide world his cousin was the most unyielding to argument.

2. is used to imply contrast to one’s own home or country:

  • A few years in the wide world and then back to the home paddock.

greater world, the— = great world, the 3:

  • Essential to most theories was the analogy between microcosm and macrocosm, between the world of man and the greater world around him.

Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase world without end—for ever and ever; eternally:

  • They wrote alternately, Bowman supplying the installment for one week, his friend for the next, and so on, world without end, they hoped.

See also: little world / small world.