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Difference between Get stuck in something and Get stuck into something

get stuck in something

1. become entangled in sand, snow, etc., so as to be unable to get away from a place:

  • We were on our way to visit another village, but our car got stuck in the mud.

2. get involved with smth. so as to be unable to leave a place:

  • It seemed like nobody else noticed how late the show went. I’m sure a lot of Jerseyites got stuck in the city that night.

3. get involved with smth. so as to be unable to develop or progress:

  • Instead of marching forward, the revolution got stuck in the bog of philistinism.

get stuck into something—(coll.) start doing smth. with enthusiasm and determination; get down to a task:

  • I think it’s time we got stuck into some gardening.