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Difference between Enter into something and Enter something

enter into something

1. come into smth.; penetrate smth.:

  • The bullet entered into his head at a distance that was longer than his arms, so he couldn’t have shot himself.

2. become a member of an organization; join an institution:

  • When I entered into college, it was with the idea to have a career in medicine.

3. participate in smth.; be a party to a contract, etc.:

  • The United States was urged by different countries to enter into negotiations on naval arms control.

4. deal with smth.; consider smth. thoroughly:

  • The reader can have an overall view of problems and then decide if he wants to enter into details.

5. be an important consideration or factor in smth.:

  • He would have to work hard to perfect his art—money doesn’t enter into it because almost no artists are rich.

enter something

1. = enter into something 1:

  • The exit wound from a bullet is always larger than the hole where the bullet entered the body.

2. = enter into something 2:

  • On a personal level, I entered college to not only earn a degree, but to find out about myself.

3. = enter into something 3:

  • The defendant’s position is that he never knowingly entered the conspiracy charged in the indictment.