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Difference between Chicken feed and Feed the chicken

chicken feed —(coll.) anything of little importance, especially a trifling sum of money:

  • That meant only chicken feed for the proprietary companies and big producers.

Cf.: chicken feeder(sl.) a poor tipper:

  • The only people I waited on in the restaurant were chicken feeders.

Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase bird food—(sl.) health food such as nuts, seeds, etc. (also: rabbit food):

  • Instead of a beef hamburger, try a garden-burger. It’s got nuts and oats and is healthier for you.” “I don’t like bird food.”

feed the chicken —(sl.) said of a gesture of greeting in which one person slaps an upraised palm against that of another person:

  • “Hey, great job, feed the chicken!” “Thanks.”

Note: The expression does not correlate in meaning with the phrase feed the chicks—(RAF) carry out air-to-air refueling, by a large tanker aircraft, of the smaller, fighter aircraft.