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Condition vs Stipulation vs Terms vs Provision vs Proviso vs Reservation vs Strings

Condition, stipulation, terms, provisionproviso, reservation, strings are comparable when meaning something that is established or is regarded as the prerequisite of a promise or agreement being fulfilled or taking effect.

Condition implies the laying down of something as a prerequisite which must be observed or satisfied if the validity of the whole agreement, promise, dispensation, or gift is not to be destroyed.

Stipulation differs from condition chiefly in implying a formal, explicit, and often written statement (as a contract) binding a party thereto to a specified course.

Terms indicates conditions offered or agreed upon by one or both parties to a contract, agreement, or deal; thus, two parties may come to terms (i.e., may agree upon such a matter as work to be done, prices to be paid, or a division of property).

Provision applies chiefly to a documentary statement which provides measures for the treatment of certain matters legally. It may be specifically used of a clause or of a part of such a document or of a document that is comparable in laying down a condition or making a stipulation.

Proviso denotes a condition or a stipulation, especially one that is clearly stated and binding.

Reservation indicates a qualification or modification of the terms of an agreement or statement, often to cover contingencies. It may become a stipulation or proviso if the other party or parties concerned agree or acquiesce  or it may be avowed only to oneself in evading the generally understood sense of a promise or an oath or other statement that one is impelled to make for reasons of necessity or expediency.

Strings suggests strands which the maker of a promise, a proposal, or an offer keeps in his hands so that he may pull them back if what he lays down as a condition or imposes as a stipulation is not kept; the term usually denotes conditions or provisos, often unexpected or concealed, that may radically alter or even annul an agreement.