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Bulge vs Jut vs Stick out vs Protuberate vs Protrude vs Project vs Overhang vs Beetle

Bulge, jut, stick out, protuberate, protrudeproject, overhang, beetle mean to extend outward beyond the usual and normal line.

Bulge suggests a swelling out in an excessive or abnormal fashion; it may be used when the impression to be given is that there is an imperfection, a defect, or a cause of strain that explains the swelling.

Jut (often with out) and stick out do not imply abnormality as a rule but construction, formation, or position that permits a thing to extend outside or beyond the flat line of a surface.

Protuberate, which is currently much less used than the corresponding adjective protuberant and the corresponding noun protuberance, implies a swelling or sticking outward (as in a rounded or angular prominence); it does not differ greatly from bulge, but it often carries less implication of something radically wrong.

Protude implies a thrusting forth especially in an unexpected place; it applies especially to something that does not seem to belong or that sticks out obviously.

In literal use project is more often intransitive, though in extended uses it is chiefly transitive. Intransitively it may mean to jut out or to protrude.

In its transitive use, however, it carries implications of throwing or casting forward both in literal use and especially in extended use when it refers to thoughts, conceptions, or feelings; thus, one projects not only his ideas or thoughts but his powers (as of imagination or comprehension), as if by throwing them out, so that they reach their goal effectively.

Often the idea of extending beyond the usual and normal line gives way to other implications derived especially from psychology, mathematics, and magic, and the word then means simply to externalize or to free oneself from.

Both overhang and beetle imply a jutting out over the support or base; overhang sometimes connotes a threatening position, while beetle often suggests precariousness or ominousness.