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Any day vs Any time

any day

1. on any one day from now:

  • This, too, is something that may happen any day now or that could be a few years off.

2. (coll.) is used to express one’s willingness or preference:

  • I’d work with Murphy in Canada any day rather than stay in here.

3. (coll.) without doubt:

  • You are a good deal better-looking than her, Barbara. You are, any day.

any time

1. at a time which may be very soon:

  • She is going to give birth any time now.

2. at any time one chooses:

  • John is in a private ward, so you can get in any time.

3. no matter when; whenever:

  • Any time you’re stuck for a meal come around.

4. is used in response to an expression of gratitude:

  • “Thanks for helping me.” “Any time.”