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Difference between Air boat and Inflatable boat

Air boat vs Inflatable boat

Air boat

1. a seaplane with a boatlike fuselage.

Difference between Air boat and Inflatable boat
Air boat: a seaplane with a boatlike fuselage
  • This class of seaplanes, variously termed “flying-boat” and “air-boat,” consists essentially of a long boat-shaped hull, wherein the passengers’ seats are contained.

2. a shallow-draft boat driven by an airplane propeller.

Difference between Air boat and Inflatable boat
Air boat: a shallow-draft boat driven by an airplane propeller
  • A Pandora’s Box is opening to release a flood of airboats on the long-suffering landscape of crowded Southern Ontario.

Inflatable boatan air-filled rubber boat (for use in an emergency, etc.)

Difference between Air boat and Inflatable boat
Inflatable boat: an air-filled rubber boat (for use in an emergency, etc.)
  • The crewmen had to be pulled from the freez ing water by colleagues in an inflatable boat.