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Like vs Alike vs Similar vs Analogous vs Comparable vs Akin vs Parallel vs Uniform vs Identical

Likealikesimilaranalogouscomparableakinparalleluniformidentical are comparable though seldom strictly synonymous terms which describe the relation between things or persons that closely resemble each other.

Like is a general word indicating resemblance or similarity ranging from virtual identity in all characteristics to a chance resemblance in only one.

Alike is similar to like but is less likely to be used for the chance, farfetched resemblance and is generally limited to use in a predicate or postposed situation after a compounded substantive modified.

Similar often stresses the likenesses between different things, implying that differences may be overlooked or ignored for a time.

Analogous calls attention to the presence of some likeness which makes it feasible or permissible to draw from it an analogy, a sustained or appropriate comparison.

Comparable implies a likeness on one point or a limited number of points which permits a limited or casual comparison or matching together. The word is especially likely to be used in connection with considerations of merit, standing, rank, or power.

Akin, limited to use in postpositive situations, indicates an essential likeness, often of the sort of likeness found in kinship or suggestive of common descent from an original ancestor, prototype, or ancestral stock.

Parallel stresses the fact of similarities over a course of development throughout a history or account or the fact of resemblances or likenesses permitting a setting or bracketing together as though side by side.

Uniform suggests a likeness and similarity throughout and a lack of noticeable variation wherever things in question occur or operate.

Identical indicates either the fact of being the same person or thing or, in connection with things copied, reproduced, or repeated, an exact correspondence without detectable or significant difference.