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Fleshy vs Fat vs Stout vs Portly vs Plump vs Rotund vs Chubby vs Corpulent vs Obese

Fleshy, fatstoutportlyplumprotundchubbycorpulentobese mean thick and heavy in body because of superfluous fat.

Fleshy and fat are not clearly discriminated in use, although fleshy may imply overabundance of muscular tissue and fat, of adipose tissue; when a derogatory connotation is intended fat is usually preferred.

Stout implies a thickset, bulky figure or build, but it is often merely a euphemistic substitute for fat ; portly adds to stout the implication of a more or less dignified and imposing appearance.

Plump implies a pleasing fullness of figure and well-rounded curves.

Rotund suggests the shape of a sphere; it often, in addition, connotes shortness or squatness.

Chubby applies chiefly to children or to very short persons who are otherwise describable as rotund.

Corpulent and obese imply a disfiguring excess of flesh or of fat.