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Execrate vs Curse vs Damn vs Anathematize vs Objurgate

Execrate, cursedamnanathematizeobjurgate are comparable when meaning to denounce violently and indignantly.

Execrate implies intense loathing or hatred and, usually, a fury of passion. It often suggests acts as well as words which give an outlet to these emotions.

Curse in reference to earlier custom may imply an invocation to the Supreme Being to visit deserved punishment upon a person or to afflict him for his sins.

In more general use curse and damn (see also SENTENCE ) do not markedly differ in meaning. Both usually imply angry denunciation by blasphemous oaths or profane imprecations.

Anathematize implies solemn denunciation (as of an evil, a heresy, or an injustice). It is used chiefly in reference to the impassioned denunciations of preachers or moralists.

Objurgate implies a vehement decrial or criticism and often suggests the use of harsh or violent language in the expression of one’s views so that it may approach curse or damn in some of its uses.